Wednesday, July 31, 2013

POEM - Best Day at Work: An Imagination

Something that never happens
Is doing what you really want
While punching the clock
For some corporate machine
Not really, not totally
Sure you might have a good day
But on that good day there were missing parts
It was still business casual
You weren’t in your pajamas
You couldn’t eat your food in a recliner
With the TV running a Lord of the Rings marathon
Even if they did buy lunch
Even if you got a raise
Even if you got coddled and schmoozed
You had to get up
Get dressed
Leave your house
And pretend to have manners

But what if . . .

Maybe today is the day I roll in the pinball machine
Right into the corner of my office
There’s plenty of room for it
And the mini-fridge
Full of Blenheims
            Almond Snickers
            Cheese cubes
                        And Ben and Jerry’s in the freezer
Oh, and I’m wearing flip-flops
Not to mention my jean shorts
I’ll go ahead and wear a button-up plaid
I wear those anyway
But I’m singing along
To every song
Right out loud
That pumps out from the speakers
Attached to the record player
            Did I mention the record player?
Yeah, that sounds better
And lunch will be provided
And we will be going on a “sales call”
To the movie theater
Popcorn and nachos and an Icee
All on the expense account

By the way I am moving my office
I prefer the one with the window
That looks out over the pond
And I will spend each afternoon
Catching up on my Netflix
That queue isn’t gonna watch itself
Join me if you’d like
We’ll hook into the conference room projector
There’s cold sodas in the cooler
Comfy chairs
Great speakers
Looks like it’ll be X-Files for the next 3 hours
Gotta leave by no later than four

If I want to get a solid six hours in today

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