Saturday, July 20, 2013

POEM - EeeZeePee

Hey there kid
You got a good thing going
A sincere smile
With sunny eyes
That keep you
Out of the worst trouble

Your mother tries her best
To get you to slow down
Your father asks
Until he’s blue in the face
That you hold still
For just thirty seconds
But that’s not you

You are a kinetic ball
Bouncing from scream to scream
With the rapidity of a fly
Until you find something
A point to focus on
If it is making Josie scream
You are in trouble
If it is building an elaborate structure
From the massive pit of Legos
We are delighted and relieved

But lest someone wonder
You are a good one
There’s a reason we keep you around
You say the nicest things
And when I have an extra-long day
And I missed dinner one more time
You notice
You make a point of finding me
Let me know I am a good dad
Even ask if I will be at dinner tomorrow
I will try E-z-P
            I love you kid

He even spares half a breath
To say he loves me too
Before slamming our bedroom door
As he jumps across his sister’s beds
Like we till him not to

Every single time

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