Tuesday, July 02, 2013

POEM - Meeting:Unmet

Hello to another rainy day on the road watching the lights rise and fall
Stuck inside unsure if the sound is thunder rumbling or chairs falling
In this situation it seems like it would matter little if I am sequestered
But I see enough evidence of the weather to know it is happening
That the air is moving and the clouds are moving and everything is moving
I am not moving in this hard plastic chair designed for a thinner version of me
Designed for someone with slender thighs and unrealistic skills of adaptation
There is a level of torture involved herein that suggest someone is angry
I have failed to accomplish some task or chore and am therefore reprimanded
It seems an awful vengeful sort of activity that we willingly engage in
To sit for long hours not aware of the passage of time or existence of the world
Time is stopped and slowed and made to stand still until unaware it runs out
What I think about is home and the activities many miles away that I miss
My wife having a bad day that I can’t fix or soothe or relieve from here
I am victimized by the geography that fills the chasm between
Where I should be and where I am it falls away and becomes abysmal
But the drama I relate is only perception based on circumstance
I slept poorly as I always do when I travel away from my fuller bed
I am not a part of the current discussion though I need to be here
I am living a reality that parallels but avoids that of those around me
Where there are ideas floating in front of my eyes that I swat at and swipe
But for others it is the gnat that has been visiting for the last two days
The one that they can’t catch or even get close to because it is not theirs
It is not flying in their reality and is not a gnat nor insect of any kind they know
I have caught the idea and smashed it on to the page jittering and squirming
Then I will stand and stretch and grab another cookie left magically in the room
And pace back and forth as if I need to stretch my legs and wake up my head
But it is the dream of a dog chasing rabbits in a field it has never been to
My ideas from places I have never been but heard and wanted and wondered
And I will chase it more and stretch and grab and swat whenever I can

Surreptitiously in the mock form of a business man taking attentive notes

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