Saturday, July 27, 2013

POEM - Who ‘Da Buddha

Sitting on the curb
Relaxing and maxing
Thinking that the sky is playing
Blowing in a mass of clouds
Swirling and stirring
Making little shapes and scenes
And I know that I am not the clouds
I am not the curb
Or the grass or the wind
The sun nor the tree
I am the thought
The one that makes this moment
As I sit in rotund bliss
With my hands in a meditative way
My thoughts look inward
Who ‘da Buddha
Me the Buddha
And isn’t it sweet

I am nothing more
Than nothing that is
I sit in silence
To preserve the silence
I am aware no more
Than aware I am awake
And I see no more
Than that there is more to see
I send my love in outward flow
Through the universe
Limitless and void of enmity
Then again to sit in silence
To be awake
To feel the clouds form and reform
Echoing my thoughts
And now there is a tree
Forming roots and branches and leaves
Then more it forms
The flower and the fruit
So full and round and full
From my place on the curb
I reach out and retrieve
And taste the fruit that is before me
And isn’t it juicy and sweet
Who ‘da Buddha
Me the Buddha

That’s who ‘da Buddha be

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