Thursday, July 18, 2013

POEM - Bit Player

Sometimes I am Hamlet
Mostly I am Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
I’ve noticed this fact
Revealed by a more connected world
Where I can peek at the recollections
Of people from my life
Discussing historic events
That I know I was present for
But I failed to be involved
Where I read the list of characters
And I’m not at the beginning
Or even in the top half
And I even have to share my credit line
With another name
Sometimes I even languished
In formless anonymity
With many nameless names
A member of The Chorus
Or wallowing in abject indiscernibility
As a Various Townsperson

As richer and fuller details
Emerge and surface
I wonder which play I was in
My Guildenstern seems very thoughtful
My Rosencrantz easily distracted
Was I servant to the main character
Or was I experiencing my own reality
With my back to the audience
A life lived in asides
And countless demolitions
Of an implied fourth wall

Then the question forms
Who were the Hamlets
That I lurked behind?

I know of another world
Where I have a starring role
Where I get to be the main character
But I am nervous there
I wonder what is happening
Just out of my sight
Flashing in my peripherals
Who are the minor characters
Going through motions
In the shadows I cast

But I know I am not in Shakespeare
The tragedies aren’t as severe
No, this is definitely the Stoppard play
And the minors are the majors
And the majors are just a play
And I may be dead
            Or lost in a shared dream
Perhaps just in limbo
And I may flip a coin
And flip it once more

And every time it will be heads

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