Wednesday, July 17, 2013

POEM - The Sky Knew

The Sky Knew

She was a good lady
And the sky knew
For a month the clouds swirled
In turmoil and anguish
Reflecting and projecting
A feeling that things weren't right
She hadn't been around lately

Ever since that day
When she went into the big building
The one that had taken away so many
That the sky liked to watch

But she was a special one
Always seemed to be happy
Even when the sky was full
Bloated with precipitation
Falling in buckets on her head
She would whisper thank you
For letting her know bad weather
So that good weather was sweeter

But lately her head didn't look up
She didn't gaze at the sky
Like she had done
For so many years

And then she went to that building
And the sky knew
She wasn't coming back

So he threw a fit
Sucked up the rain
And spit it out
In a violent splattering deluge
Shooting lighting in angry bolts
Crashing thunder as loud as he could
It just wasn't fair

So the rain kept going
For a month and a day
And lighting and thunder
And dark rolling clouds
Attended the funeral service
Blasting and hollering
Leaving the earth washed and cleansed

Ready to accept his special friend

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