Tuesday, July 23, 2013

POEM - That Old Feeling, the One that Bugs the Children

Don’t talk too much about why we should be better
It won’t do and all the mist between
Means you and I don’t remember
Not perfectly
Not quite right on target
The details get mussed and tousled
The better version of the story
Involves mussed and tousled
But the details are more intimate

I know I shouldn’t tell that story
It isn’t right at our age
To pretend we were young
To make our children squirm
With kisses and snuggles
Right out in the open
In the middle of dinner
In the middle of a bite
In the middle of your neck
In that spot below your ear
That makes the gooseflesh appear
On both arms
At the same time
And on a good day
The effect travels
All the way
Down each leg
And earns retaliation
A punch in the arm
Cuz I give you the shivers

This is what keeps us brave
Gnarled old warriors
Still willing to sacrifice
Our love drawn and quartered
On full display
Wounds and nerves
Raw and exposed
Dangling tenuously
Clasped at the hands
Holding tight
Against falling
Against pulling apart
Suspended and spinning

We are mostly unaware
That we shouldn’t be this happy
That this isn’t
Strictly speaking
An attractive set of circumstances
These two old bags of skin
Adorned in dumpy dingy linens
Covering ourselves
To protect the innocents

So, let’s kiss again
At least we can still do that
Like we did in Hayden Square
When I finally had the ring
Made it official under the gazebo
You said yes one more time
After the Spaghetti Co.
And the walk down Mill
And finally kneeling down

            Like I should have the first time I asked

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