Sunday, July 21, 2013

POEM - Must be on the Front Page

Just an average day methinks
A mild April afternoon
Doing a read through of Macbeth
Just me and the other nerds

It was the gifted class
All of us smug little sixth graders
Who made attention deficit
Look like intellectually unchallenged
At least that’s how I got in
The token Liberal Arts prodigy
So I was enjoying this Shakespeare action

For the fun of it
The teacher took us outside
Because she could
And we infested the equipment
A large alien inspired piece
Smooth, cool colored concrete
Behemoth of a jungle gym
An needlessly artistic installment
That I didn’t appreciate until it was gone
Just the sight of them
Meant you were in Tempe

There we were
Minding our own business
Intent on the word play
I played King Duncan
            And a random soldier
                        And eventually Duncan’s ghost
In the simplified version
All my lines were cut
I was just enjoying being outside

Then I saw him
This guy with a camera
He would take a picture
Then walk towards us
Take another picture
Dart behind a tree
Snap another candid
Then walk a little closer

This pantomime proceeded
For a good five minutes
Then like the apparitions in the play
He began to speak
As if nothing had happened

He was there to report on the Science Fair
When he noticed our little band
The teacher related our activity
He was dually impressed
Asked if he could put us in the paper
Of course we agreed

The next day the paper came
I flip to the back section
Couldn’t find anything
Except the Science Fair
I felt gipped
Closed the paper
Then began to smile
We’d made the front page

How about that

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