Thursday, July 11, 2013

POEM - Sgt. Slaughter vs. The Upstart

Our first meeting was disconcerting
As he opened the inner front door
It was early afternoon
And the sun light prevented me
From seeing clearly
Through the  security screen
I was taken aback by sounds
Of what seemed like a dozen barking dogs
I could just discern an outline
Of a man of large stature
Possibly shirtless
            A glimmer of cigarette in hand
With what seemed at the time
A severe and gruff voice
Which politely requested
That I return later
            When his wife was home

Upon return I met the Mrs.
The lovely, smiling redheaded Glynn
She introduced her husband
Glen also, but spelled different
Her presence made him kinder
Much different than the first impression
But he maintained a certain look
One of playful warning
Alerting me to not feel too comfortable
Things could still get dicey
If the whim struck his fancy

I was approved of
Invited back for dinner
For a lovely meal with Southern accents
Glen’s barbecue was succulent
There was mint jelly
And black eyed peas
Then dessert was served
Huge California strawberries
Dipped once in sour cream
Then rolled around in brown sugar
As the first big bite washed over my palate
The windows of culinary heaven opened
I swear I heard harps strumming
As I savored pure bliss

With dinner in my belly
And satisfaction on my face
I was asked if I liked games
Would perhaps care to engage
In a friendly game of Scrabble
Despite the subtle warnings from Glynn
I acquiesced

It was then that Glenn left
And Sgt. Slaughter arrived
I began to understand the warnings
It was a foolish move on my part
I didn’t really know my opponent
His voracious reading habits
His Mensa membership
A love of games
            A greater love of humiliating his enemies
It was a massacre
            And I loved every minute of it
Who could feel differently?
            After a meal like that

                        And a smile like Glenn’s

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