Wednesday, July 10, 2013

POEM - Gradual Decline

Things are ageing
You look at the you
That is you
The now you
And wonder when this became you

I have been more like this me
Longer than I was that me
The kid back there
But those days still are as greener grass
When the me I look at
            Isn’t all that I recall
An inescapable condition of time
Exacerbated by fading memory
And early onset Nostalgia
With a Senility & Alzheimer’s chaser

Someone mentioned in passing
They were lucky to know me back then
Inferring I was something special
In the distant past
Like I was sort of a hottie
The thought that flashed across my mind
I wish that currency
Still had the same value
There has been a sharp downturn
In market interest
In my Hotness-s-s-s-s-s!

At least Linda still likes me
Lies to me in kind ways
Tells me I look thinner
After putting on five pounds
Says she still sees me
            The boy she fell for
Despite all my efforts to hide him

Someone posted a quote
The idea was poignant
Never live with someone
Who doesn't like what you do
She likes what I do
Supports my writing addiction
Makes sure I get my fix every day
Reads every line
Even ones that makes her cry
Corrects my spelling

Tells me when I'm getting cocky

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