Tuesday, July 09, 2013

POEM - Remember Our Town? I Was in That

Floating through my Senior Year
I found myself in the drama room
Trying out for the school play
On a whim
Or because everyone else was
I read a part
Tried on some pants
Then Mr. Miller kept calling me back
Had me read for George
He seemed impressed
But I got the idea
I really got the part
Because I knew the right way
To hang up slacks on a hanger

Then practice started
Lots of memorizing
Lots of hours after school
And Mr. Miller’s unique directing
Like the time I got to do my lines
With Nick while we held hands
We were cast as father and son
It was supposed to create familiarity
I think it almost made Nick pass out

It was a great show
By the second night
We were comfortable
Sitting back stage
Singing Hotel California
At the top of our lungs
We got chewed out
For not being focused
I still had a great show
Even if I did fake the kiss
Every single night
Every single time
I totally chickened out

At the end of the year
There was a banquet
For the drama kids
I wasn't a drama kid
But all of my friends were
And I was the lead
In the big school play
So I showed up
Who would turn down a free meal
Especially at the Spaghetti Company

I won Actor of the Year
Mostly because of my voice
And my ability to project it
The intrinsic evidence on tape
Showed that in our auditorium
Which was specially designed
To murder all acoustics
Mine was the only voice discernible

So I was the standout once
Instead of receiving another
In an ever increasing line
Of ”Most Improved” awards
It was straight up
No detractions
            Even came with a trophy

My name engraved on it and everything

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