Friday, July 26, 2013

POEM - Zen and the Art of Donut Making

If I talk about the pink box
Filled with treasures
And you understand
Then you have been there
To a land a little sweeter
Where every other street corner
And every dingy strip mall
Has a little unassuming shop
Where unimaginable pastries are born
Few receive more than a single name
It is the word Donuts
It is the only word needed
No further advertising required

These are the lands of Southern California
Where the masses are drawn
For beaches and amusement parks
Big business and Hollywood
They all find their way
To the generic donut counter
Adorned with a healthy looking bamboo
Casting its spindly shade
Over a well fed Buddha
And a shiny metallic lucky cat
With a waving paw and devious eyes
These totems are an absolute necessity
If any are missing the place is a fraud
And must be exited
No eye contact
Or explanation

Once you do find the right place
With all necessary accoutrements
The denizens of the glass cabinets
Will confirm you have found it
The place where real donuts are made
Apple fritters as large as your face
And crispy the whole way through
Custard filled bismarcks
That require two hands to lift
Crullers of such magnitude
You will swear a bulldozer left a tire behind

My advice to you
Bring a friend
And don’t let the price fool you
Fork over the five or six bucks
For a dozen mammoth pastries
Then the both of you lift the box
Hoist it into your car
And invite over a couple dozen friends
Do not order a second box
Until the mini-coma
From the first dozen
Wears off
Don’t forget the milk
Make sure you leave a coin

            At the feet of the lucky grinning cat

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