Friday, July 12, 2013

POEM - Blessed are the Poor

The secret thing I grew up with
Is that I was oblivious
I never knew we were poor
That it was a big struggle

We weren't impoverished
But we weren't wealthy
It was a middle class
Check to check
Skin of the teeth
Type of upbringing

I take that back
I sort of knew it
Sometimes it was obvious
When dinner was pinto beans
            And there was no ketchup
                        And it had been for the last 3 days
I knew it a little then
But it didn't bother me
            OK, not having ketchup bothered me
Have you ever had a plain  bowl of pinto beans?

Thank goodness we moved to Arizona
I learned how to make refried beans ASAP
Sucking on a lump of refried beans
Beats a bowl of pintos any day!

I'm still poor
And I'm kind of OK with it
I have nice kids
And they get over stuff
Mostly because they expect nothing
Everything is a gift
And being grateful is a better gift

Besides the poor meal has improved
We make refried beans and rice
With homemade tortilla chips
All from scratch
The kids even ask for it
            When we aren’t poor
                        It is just that good

I'm not saying it is easy
Struggling to figure it all out
Deciding what bills to pay
What can wait a little longer
Pushing everything to the last minute
But we are happy
And I know those that have
And they are never satisfied
And they can't be quite
And their world has to plummet into the abyss
Before they can just sit
Be calm
Find peace
And watch the clouds
Roll by in a parade

            Of crazy zoo animals

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