Thursday, August 01, 2013

POEM - The Blackout

I ran out to get ice cream
In a rain storm
Sounds superfluous
But we were sporting a Jones for frozen confections
And a sundae bar needed to happen

With seventeen bucks and Max
I headed to the Publix
We talked about trying to catch a concert soon

As the rain closed in
The sky sparkled
Like a fiber optic decoration
Set to the schizophrenic strobe setting
It was equal parts fascinating
And concerning

We collected the desired accoutrements
A gallon of vanilla ice cream
The squeeze bottle of hot fudge
The aerosol heavy whipped cream
And a bag of mini Heath bars
I was already salivating

As we drove home the weather worsened
Rain blowing in sheets across the road
By the time we got to our turn off
The other cars were slowing to a snails pace
Or stopped altogether

I was thankful for the SUV
As we headed down our dirt road
Which was now more of a river
We made it the last quarter mile sans incident
Only to realize the house was dark

When we got inside we were regaled
With detailed retellings
Of the insanely bright flash of light
Followed by a foundation shaking boom
That coincided with loss of power
And the silencing of all the house animals

I was glad we got the ice cream
We set out the candles
Served up the treats
And I marveled at the fun
Of being together
As if this was how we always did it

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