Monday, July 08, 2013

POEM - Shadows at Play

Sitting in the recliner
I just wanted to relax
Bathe in the A/C
That blows on this particular spot
From the window unit in our room

Ezra is seven
He never wants to sit
My hands grip the chair arms
A little tighter
When he comes into the room
Is he in a wild mood?
Will he just sit with me
And let me read to him
From The Phantom Tollbooth?

I think I have the answer
He has the big flashlight
I am probably doomed

I knew he had the big light
A few seconds before he entered
As it left me with dancing sparkles
Swirling around my field of vision
            What a good shot the little rascal is

But he isn’t quite wild
He sets the light on a perch
Aims it at the blank wall
And starts to try and make shadows
I release my grip on the chair
Offer  a little advice
Regarding distances required
For proper shadow effect

He takes the advice well
Soon I am treated to a fluttering bird
Flying in and out of the beam
It is an old stand-by
I suggest we try some others
He’s all for it
And before I can instruct further
He is Googling the heck out of it

He tries the bunny
A tricky little one
With the second hand reversed
Then he tries a deer
He almost gets it
But can’t quite get the finger movements
Next he does two fists together
And in his mind it looks like a fish
Enough to generate a proud smile
Keep him entertained and mellow

I get a fun show
As he dances and bobs
Moves his hands
Flutters his fingers
Creates mesmerizing shadows
Intriguing negative space
Glimmering and hypnotic
As Ezra demonstrates
That light knows very well

How to play with the shadows

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