Sunday, July 07, 2013

POEM - Did I Write That?

Vern wanted a new journal
I remembered one I had
So I dug through my box
The one with my old stuff in it
Where I stow the memories
The keepsakes that trigger thoughts
I found the book I wanted
I also found the book I wasn't looking for
It was my journal from high school
Turns out I was dedicated
More so than I recalled
I was also cheesy and sentimental
Despite how I wish I really was

The way we talk to ourselves
It is a funny thing
This little conversation I would have
Each day I wrote
To some future me
Or posterity of me
Imagining how to say
All the things I want to say
So that they are understood
Worthwhile of revisiting
For someone outside of me

Then I read about a visit to friends
Or the dance I went to
The people I met
The activity at church
A visit to scout camp
Even simple activities
A swim in the neighbor’s pool
A sunburn or a hurt back
Nothing at the time
But now it fascinates me
I think Oh yeah! That day!
Then the picture fills in
Suddenly all the details
Flood in and assemble

That time the other Aaron and I
Went to KXCI
Got a tour of the station
Hung out with Roger
Dreamed about being DJs

Or the summer I flew to San Diego
Hung out with Burg
Bought the Depeche Mode tape
Listened to Somebody on the porch
The dock sounds in the song
Meshing perfectly with the noises of Carlsbad
Passing by below

Or that Valentines dance
When I met a girl
Made a connection
Had a minor make-out
And wrote the most awful entry
Teenage boys are so dumb
And I was no exception
And the kiss of girl numbs the brain
And the journal records it all
The foolish and the mundane

The awkward and the precious

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