Friday, July 05, 2013

POEM - She Hates the Rain

She says maybe it’s weather
The lingering pressure system
Giving her this pain in her back
Or all the wet weather
All I know is I'm tired
Of all the rain
Cloudy days
I'm feeling a need
For some serious vitamin D

Then she looks out the window
At the spittle coming down
The silence only temporary

It's sunny !!!
It's sunny right now!
And it's still raining!
This is NOT fair!

She is born of the sun
It will take longer
Maybe twenty years in
She won't feel it so bad
But there are serious withdrawals now
There were many options
I'm glad we ended up here
I was looking at a job in Seattle
It would have killed her
As rainy as the South is
At least they have a relationship with the sun
In the Northwest
The sun has been banished
Has to call ahead
For limited visiting hours

I’m used to this stuff
I was born and raised
In the clouded climbs
Where snow and rain hang out
It is the status quo

So I pray for some sun
I think the wet has made its point
Out in the front yard
All I can see
Is all the new growth
Of a never ending variety
Of mushroom after mushroom
Thriving on the soggy rot

Of our wet and decaying landscape

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