Sunday, July 28, 2013

POEM - The Changeling Changes Again

Another thought of the next thing
I’ve always been the one
That moved in and out
Left the town
Left it all behind
Set up shop
With the wheels always turning
Everything easy come
Then easy go just the same
Quick to adapt
Quick to jump to the next thing
I love the change of change
It may just be a coping technique
That was how it started
But now it is me
Each day a new adventure
What won’t be the same
I can’t wait to see

Maybe today the power will go out
And I’ll be sent home from work
Or I’ll get a new project
Or a new job entirely
Or I will eat something new
Or something old in a different way
Or I will rearrange my icons
And write with my left hand
And cross my legs the other way

Today I will write a poem in the bathroom
On my electronic phone
Using only my thumbs
As the fan hums
A soothing song of moving air
And I will finally note
That the fan sounds like distant waves
As heard from a rustic cabin
Nestled on the high cliff above
While resting on a hammock
In the waning sun of late spring

Isn’t that just the way
You crave something new
And you find it
Sitting in the second floor restroom
Or maybe leaning over the drinking fountain
As the water flows over the stainless steel
And in this light
With my head tilted just so
It looks like mercury
Pooling and swirling in a mercurial way

All of this seems flimsy and unstable
Not the case
I’m steady but flexible
Like a deep rooted tree
Bending but won’t break
I will stay around
Watch the seasons change
Watch people change
Watch my colors change
Will this year my yellows turn orange then red
Or will they go green to brown

With dots of auburn burned in

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