Saturday, July 13, 2013

POEM - Backgammon in my Blood

Looking in my father’s open briefcase
The typical fare is found
Some anonymous papers
Collected in unremarkable manila folders
His mysterious leather wallet
That I avoided examining closely
Some weight of responsibility
Signaled through the slightest touch
Something I wasn’t ready for
Then there was a book
I used to look at it often
For extended moments
Repeat the title in my head
Think on it for hours
Sure it was forbidden

Lately my dad had begun
To teach me a new game
Of ancient origin
And has invited me into the group
The brotherhood of backgammon
Vogue game of the business professional
Resurgent in the mid-70s of my youth

I loved playing the game
Partly for the company
Partly because I could win
There’s not much for a young boy
To best his father at
He could run faster
Talk better
Think faster
Know more
But I could beat him at backgammon
Not often
But it did happen

The taboo book appeared
After I had already jumped in
Both feet and in over my head
Backgammon for Blood
Was the book hidden in the briefcase
The cover showed the smoothest guy
Leaning over the coolest backgammon set
Each piece had jagged edges
Deep crimson and exquisite ivory
My first bout of envy
For something of sophistication

I would think about holding those pieces
Imagine their stone like weight
Their polished smooth faces
And the geared sides
I could visualize engaging the gears
Rolling them across the board
Like single wheeled tractors
Supporting my heavy hand

Then I would play the game
On the refined and elegant board
Maybe wear a long sleeved black shirt
Feather back my hair
Turn down the background lights
And raise my eyebrow in a knowing look

Then I would be dangerous
Playing for keeps
Dangerous as blood
Envy of all men
Desire of all women
Champion of this game of ancient tradition
Roller of double sixes
            Skilled remover of my checkers
The one who put you on the bar

            And left you there in tears

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