Monday, July 29, 2013

POEM - Amateur Film

The rummage sale drew me in
Supporting the aging Methodists
A worthy cause
Not that I needed a reason
It was in a vacant shop
At the end of the strip mall
Typical fair, but a little nicer
I found a suit my size
Nice dark wool with a subtle plaid pattern
I would eventually trade it
For a lime green Sears suit
A much better deal

I kept looking
Then I found it
A Bell and Howell projector
In immaculate condition
Selling cheap
Because video tape had killed 8mm film
I can understand
It’s quick, cheap and easy
But the idea of my own film won out
So I picked it up and carted it home
Strapped on the back of my bike
A couple of other thrift stores later
Produced a camera
A wind up beauty missing a lens or two
Enough to get my feet wet

Through trial and error I made it work
Overexposed in direct sunlight
Poor shutter speed in low light
Shaky and off kilter
It was brilliant
Avant-garde amateur cinema
I got to view my masterpiece twice
Then I sent the projector to my parents
For safe keeping
While I was moving around
In my earlier years

One year later I made it home
Eager to show my films
Excited to create more
Only to find the projector gone
My parents who never threw anything away
Had clean swept the garage
My projector a notable casualty

Thus my directorial career fizzled
For want of a delivery system
I took the heartache well
Hid my film away
And chased down a young lady
She didn’t care I wasn’t in film
As she took my heart’s starring roll
The script to my masterpiece
Is still unfinished

The final cut indefinitely delayed

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