Thursday, July 25, 2013

POEM - Tie One On

In the high desert thrift store
As the afternoon sun beat down
Seeking a respite in musty air conditioning
I peruse the second-hand fare
It is the usual stuff
Pots and pans
Half broken appliances
Scads of polyester
And an arsenal of defunct golf clubs

I’m really just wasting time
Unwilling to find myself external again
My shopping companion agrees
We are loathe to reclaim or positions
Atop a couple of bicycles
In the arid suburb of Palmdale
Where the wind blows constantly
Always into your face
No matter which way you turn
A biking nightmare

As I maintain my wander
I am distracted by a display
Clear plastic bags are hung
Stuffed to the gills
With colorful swaths of fabric
Before long I have one in hand
Only to realize they are ties
Lots and lots of ties
Smashed together
For the measly asking price
Of one solitary dollar

Now lest you think me a fool
I did not just grab and dash
I put on an air of discernment
Perused and prodded
Searching the transparent containers
For evidence of percentages of cool
Found two bags of promise
Dropped my two dollars down
And headed out into the blast furnace
I could be happy now
I had just purchased distraction
At a drastically discounted rate

Upon arriving home I was giddy
Twittering with anticipation
As to what the orbs would reveal
I was not disappointed
Yes, there was the typical attendees
Scads of diagonal stripped ties
In blues, reds and earth tones
Even a square bottom knit
Left over from the eighties

But then the treasures arrived
An elegant array of neckties
Prime examples of exquisite Webleys
Fashionable Don Lopers
And a few unnamed gems
Of course the Wembleys are best
The pinnacle of innovation
Mixing the finest polyesters
Into wearable art
Invoking the iridescent sheen
In accents of acetate and rayon
Creating color changing illusions
That catch the eye
And excite the mind
Such is the prowess of a Wembley tie
Crush it, Knot it, even Wash it
The envy of all who behold

The bane of the plain black tie

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