Monday, July 22, 2013

POEM - Top Ten

Is there anything
More addicting
Than a list?
A grouping of like items
Ranked in order
Of best to least

I always get sucked in
Reading and pondering
Considering my educated additions
Posturing opinions
Assembling in my head
My favorite list
Of favorite things
That are the best

Not all lists
Are as captivating as others
I read but am not addicted to
Lists of best places to live
I feel those have nefarious undertones
Possibly have been fixed
By whichever Chamber of Commerce
Was the highest bidder

But when it comes to music
Or books
Or movies
            Or food
I am all over it

So I list my lists
Run them over and over
Top Ten uses of the word baby
in a Led Zepplin song
Top Ten places I’d like to visit
from a Daniel Pinkwater book
Of course there is always the popular
Top Ten aliens that you would have supper with
And don't forget the ever fun
Top Ten Pee Wee Herman Show
Words of the Day
            that you Screamed Real Loud!

But I can do better than that
Top Ten cheeses that smell bad
Top Ten restaurant bathrooms
Maybe even:
Top Ten desserts made with avocado
Which leads to:
            Top Ten non-oral sounds my body makes

And I could go on and on
And try and shamelessly self-promote
With something like:
Top Ten poems by me
But I think that would spawn a negative list
Something cruelly titled
Top Ten reasons

To stop reading right now

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