Thursday, July 04, 2013

POEM - Fourth

I explained the evening this way
Booming excitement rattled my frame
As thunderous streams of exploding powder
Transformed into sensuous radiating sparkles
Fiery snowflakes left burning retinal patterns
Time after time after time
As this soul and that languished in a private stadium
Temporarily erected for one night only
All patrons filled to the brim on roasted chicken
Sweet smoky pork chops
Savory potato salad
Pop after pop retrieved from an enormous ice bath
The refreshing dew from outside the can
Transferred from palm to back of neck cooling
Then quaff the sweet nectar of holiday dew

I felt the night thus
A breath of life to make it through life
Glad for more company to delay loneliness
Another breath just in case the supply dwindles
It will be many weeks before another chance
Many hours of a real job
In a responsible profession
A duty to the bottom line
Desk jockey extraordinaire
Before another evening
Of boom glut zing blam pow zoom slurp sigh . . .

Twixt moon and stars
Sonic blooms arrive
A primal release
Sip deeply brother
The rain of ash
Sulfur saturated haze
Baptizes this night
Your rebirth assured
The flaming Phoenix
Blasts out wildly
From cardboard cylinders

Made in China

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