Wednesday, July 24, 2013

POEM - Training the Narcoleptic

Training day is a fun day
It is also a nerve racking day
I’m not the best participant
Not that I’m unruly
Or insubordinate or rude
It’s the situational narcolepsy
Brought on by leaving my desk
Sitting at a table
In a different room
Having less to do
Just listening and learning
And I am relaxed

This morning I did great
Engaged and alert
But then there was lunch
It’s always the lunch that gets me
Today was a real challenge
Barbecue and cheesy carbs
Delicious and deadly
From an I-want-to-stay-awake point of view

So the anxiety begins to rise
As my head and eyelids begin to drop
And in my eminent half-coma
I begin to be delusional
Sure that I am hiding it well
Pretending to write a note
            Or read a line
It is a fool’s paradise

Those familiar with me
Who feel no need
To protect my feelings
Have let me know
            In graphic detail
How painful it is
To watch me fight it off

So I will sit up and move
Walk around and stretch
Get some water
Stick my head in the sink
Slap myself in the face

            And hope I don’t leave a mark

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