Serial Novel - The Cave of the Aztec Curse

Chapter One
     Today I learned of my fate. It is not with a light hand I write what may well be some of my last words in this journal. I have learned that I will die very soon. A death brought on by forces that seek to destroy my work and the work of my friends. If I am able to reach a confidant in time, there may yet be hope to save all the knowledge I posses. The truths I know must remain hidden from prying eyes, and these pages are not a safe haven for such things. This I have learned through much heartache and sorrow, and I will not make the mistake again. It is too late though for me to worry so much. I only wish to protect my family and ensure their future survival. Their lives are the sanctity of my soul.
This final journey has carried me through tribulations the like of which I have never known. If I were able to memorialize in name the souls that have been martyred of late as they fought the good fight, I would not hesitate. Some day they will be the heroes of a great war and their names will be spoken in reverence, but now it is not safe. Their names would betray all who know them and further bloodshed would surely ensue. For now all I can do is pray they have found peace and write of the hope that I will meet each of them in the great beyond that I soon will visit.
Very little can be told, for I know not who will inherit these remembrances. I hope they find their way in to the hands of my eldest son once the time is right. Until then I would want nothing more than he live a life ignorant of the work that has consumed me. It is the only way he will remain safe. For now, all I can say is that the artifact in New Mexico is real and it holds a great key of understanding. For its sake I hope it continues to be dismissed but protected, for even though I know the truth that scholars scoff at, all agree it is of ancient origin and is worthy of preservation as a curio if nothing else. I and my kind know that it is the Rosetta stone of the Americas and the secrets we have unlocked since its discovery will enable great powers of good and evil to be returned to balance.
     This is not an idle claim and the proof lies in the fact that I am writing this entry. If not for the great powers and long lost knowledge recently discovered, at this time I would be nothing more than a raving lunatic incapable of human speech or thought with the blood of many innocent victims staining my hands deepest crimson. Instead I write as a man of clean conscience who has overcome a most insidious infection of the vilest origin in antiquity. Still, I will not survive the effects of other perils that reached me along my journey to discover the truth.
     Weep not my friends and family, I am not sad for I have fought a good fight. There are many to carry on the work as long as the truth is protected. Remember to always protect the truth; it is an innocent victim of the pride of humanity. I will return to you in many ways, and I will live on. You can find me in these words and in my friendships. Have faith one and all that we can free our brethren and sisters who have been trapped by evil devices. I was trapped with them for a moment and was cured! Remember that always: I am cured! Deliverance for the lost souls is possible, but there is more to understand before those that have been infected for centuries can share in my joy. Fight on and believe. That is the only way to win through.


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