Friday, July 19, 2013

POEM - The Down-low on DMB

The proper way
In my experience
To attend correctly
A Dave Mathews Band concert
Is with a significant other
With whom you have amorous intent
I offer this as an expert
Of the wrong way

The first time I went
I took my youngest brother
Because Linda hates jam bands
But I was unprepared
For the mood of the show
For the unprovoked resentment
Towards by blissfully unaware sibling
He thought we were having a good time
I knew what would make it the best time

So I swore then and there
The next time would be different
And it was not

Generosity began the next show
My friend Peter had won tickets
Three tickets to be precise
Who gives away three tickets?
Even numbers people,
That’s the formula for tickets!

So I was invited
Third wheel to Peter and his wife
At least they were doing it right

As consolation I showed off
Sat in the back seat
Spouting off DMB facts and tidbits
To let them know I appreciated it more
Make sure they knew I knew
That I liked them better
Really it was a tantrum
In the guise of a fan
Born of jealousy
Spawned by anticipation
That attends a live show

So do it right
You owe it to yourself
Go see Dave Mathews
Take your sweetheart
Do not
Under any circumstance

Invite me

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