Tuesday, July 16, 2013

POEM - Hard Decisions

That’s how it was
Headlong running
Found the rock
The way back blocked
By everything that is the hard place

It was one too many holidays
Dropping everything
Running to the hospital
To roll our eyes
Throw our hands up
Half listen to all the lies
Look like the bad guy
When we don’t believe a word of it
The Well of Compassion dried up
About fifteen times ago

But that’s what you do for family
Now there are other things to do
Taking away their freedom
Regulating their lives
Putting them in permanent day care
Because they need to be baby sat

And there will be screaming
And there will be tears
And hurtful words
And feelings rubbed raw
And maybe it won’t be appreciated
Not right now anyway
            But when she dries out

You might finally be able to stand her again

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