Monday, July 15, 2013

POEM - The World According To

I am fifteen different people
Just on the drive home
Each new tune
Recreates my world view

It happens to everyone
Techies are inspired by Trekies
Hard science scours science fiction
For which fantasies
To create reality from
Flights of fancy
Inform the process
Sets the farthest bar
Creates the pool of dreams
That dissipates
Leaks down
Through the sticky ether
To condensate
In wrinkly recesses
Of the spongy gray matter
Betwixt stereophonic ears

Back to my disorder
Today I was a scientist
Based on the facts I learned
From Modest Mouse
Firstly astrophysics
            The universe is shaped exactly like the earth
            If you go straight long enough
            You’ll end up where you were
Followed by biology
            Some day you will die somehow
            And something’s going to steal your carbon
Rounded out by sociology
            My friends, my habits, my family
            They mean so much to me

With a tap of the screen
I change my persona
Suddenly I was much angrier
For no apparent reason
I felt I need to rage against some sort of machine
Or smash a pumpkin or two
Driving along in my four door sedan
            I'm calm like a bomb
            Rollin down Rodeo with a shotgun
            I am still just a rat in a cage
            Despite all my rage

Then I had to calm down
Get ready for dinner
Flipped to something smoother
My favorite calm down groove
As Steely Dan laid down the knowledge
            They have a name for the winners in the world
            I want a name when I lose
            They call Alabama the Crimson Tide
            Call me Deacon Blue

That’s something good
A note to end on
Closer to who I am
 . . . Most of the time
I click off the radio
My schizophrenia subsides
I leave it on the dash of the car

            For the next commute

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