Wednesday, July 03, 2013

POEM - This is not Cheese! This is a Reason to Live!

Do you like cheese?
I mean really like cheese
And I mean really good cheese
Different cheese
Cheese worthy of being spoken of
In the languages of love and romance
In terms like fromage and queso
With prices that rival those reserved for precious metals
I mean that level of love of cheese
It is a passion
An obsession
From which I never want to recover

I love stinky, pungent exotic cheese
A poetic mixture of bugs and milk
Time and fermentation
And hints of flavor
That grow and mature
Bloom and burst

Today I cruised the fancy market
Searching for a treat or taste
Something to enliven my palate
Take me on a new journey of taste
I came across a basket
Full of tiny bits of cheese
Little sample sizes of the expensive stuff
I rooted like a pig searching truffles
Sniffing this and examining that
I settled on two little treasures

The first had a purple rind
Bearing the name Ubriaco del Piave
It was delightful and fruity
Tasted a little like grapes
The label said the rind was soaked
In a mixture of grape must
From processing wines in Italy
Absolutely sublime and intoxicating
A delightful diversion

Pleased with my find I smiled
Unwrapped the second choice
And breathed deep of the toxic aroma
The cheese was called Huntsman
A fun creation where a delicious deep yellow cheddar
Encases a center of the king of cheese
The bitter blue of a proper English Stilton

Ahhh Stilton!
The super smelly Papa Blue
Ruler of all Cheesedom
Somehow sandwiched in those yellow slabs
You two became something more
The firm yellow cheese held strong
Allowing my friend Stilton
To melt like cream in my mouth
Saturating my taste buds in moldy glory

It is a thing
If I have to explain
Then it is time to go to the store
Buy some delicious stinky cheese
A box of water crackers
And let me watch your face
Melt into cheesy bliss
As you experience real taste
Dive into culinary artistry

Reach nirvana through the divinity of dairy

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