Friday, May 31, 2013

POEM - Same Old Threat

I'm going back to the gypsies
Sent there for misbehavior
It’s my mother’s favorite threat
Thinks it is so clever
It is only what she heard
When she misbehaved
When her mother couldn’t handle her

It must have scared her good
But it wasn’t the fear of being sent off
It was the surety that she would not
That it was just an idle threat
Now even more idle
After all the years
Her heart's not in it.

I throw another mud clump
Against the backyard wall
Maybe break another dish
All to hear her drone out
Her dejected, handed-down threat
Of being sent to the gypsies,

Often she would say it
In the very same breath
As she would brag to her friends
I think it's the gypsy blood
that keeps moving us around so much!

Waking hours haunted
By trinket filled wagons.

I yell back
I'll send you to the gypsies!
Old Woman I will!
Just try me!

Always makes her smile,
Makes eyes glaze over
With far off looks,
Then she starts singing
The song she always does
The one she thinks no one can hear

The gypsies are coming to town,
gather all your children round,
gather all your children round,

the gypsies are in the town . . .

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