Tuesday, May 21, 2013

POEM - A State of Nirvana

Lee and I set out in the mild October
It was a Monday evening in 1993
We were headed to a concert
The Arizona State Fair was in full swing
Which meant five dollar general admission
You could justify seeing anybody
            When the tickets were five bucks

This wasn’t just anybody though
We were heading to see Nirvana
An epic first concert for Lee
More epic than either of us knew
We shuffled in with the crowd
Got good seats, not great
South east corner,
            High up, but close to the stage
We could see everything

Mudhoney opened and got no respect
This was not the hardcore Seattle crowd
Most were there because it was cheap
And “Teen Spirit” was pervasive

When Nirvana finally took she stage
It was everything it should be
The Who and The Clash and all of punk rock
Exploding off the stage
Of the packed coliseum

As the energy grew Kurt took the solo
Climb the large front speaker
Vaulted into the air
            Spun to his back
                        Landed on the ocean of hands
Never stopped playing
As he floated back to the stage

At the end they destroyed everything
Dave kicked his drums to death
            Krist threw his bass repeatedly in the air
                        Never caught it once
Kurt turned his guitar into splinters
            I went home complete

In less than six months Cobain was dead
            Nirvana was put away
                        In a heart-shaped box

A couple of years later I bought a car
It was a 1972 Volkswagen 411 Fastback
            Kind of an unusual car
Made all the odder when I drove it home
I notice something I hadn’t before
In the rearview mirror was a shadowy figure
The perfect impression of Kurt Cobain
Logic told me it was a sticker that had been removed
The rest of me knew he was visiting
Just for a minute
            Letting me know he was OK
Thanking me for sharing that October night
            A witness to his farewell tour

This looks just like the car I owned

This is the picture I saw in the back window

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