Wednesday, May 15, 2013

POEM - Proud Father

It comes from upbringing
            His parents were probably weirdoes, too
And we were, no argument there
But it is good to see the next generation
            Taking it in their own direction

I knew Max was headed to wierdom
            When he started wearing suits to school
                        For no particular reason
He’d just wake up one day
            Feel like wearing a dress suit
                        And bang! Zoom! He would

It helps that he is freakishly tall
Especially in his school
And his hair curls into a ‘fro
That adds another six inches

From there he graduated to my closet
Delving into my more ridiculous pieces
Dug out the pants form Linda’s grandpa
            The pastel swirling paisley ones
Matched it with my black and white polyester
The one with the optical swirls
            That make your eyes go buggy
                        If you look at it too long
He was asked by several teachers that day
            To please not wear that shirt again
It gave them headaches

One day he came home from picture day
            He had used a black marker
                        Drawn a mustache and goatee
I laughed and thought nothing of it
Until he came home today
            Several months later
Said the yearbook advisor had stopped him
His picture had made it through editing
            Had come back from the printer
Before she had noticed his shenanigans
She was not a happy camper

Max could barely tell us about it
            Without convulsing with laughter
We couldn’t stop laughing either

Now, Max is a talented kid
            He plays guitar like he invented it
He’s good at math
            Obeys his parents
                        Has a nice disposition
This, however, takes the cake
            Immortalized for all to see
Sticking it to the man
                        Like a boss

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