Thursday, May 09, 2013

POEM - A Snap of the Fingers Makes the Penny Buzz

I learned the trick many years ago
Newly landed in San Bernardino
On a smoggy, sunny spring morning
Hanging with Trevor at lunch
He was the one who taught me the technique

“You just hold it between your thumb and middle finger
            And snap it! Like that!”
The copper coin buzzed across the room
Clinked into the wall
            Left a little divot in the paint
                        Very cool!

I started to collect my pennies
Had a few dollars’ worth to practice with
Kept going until I littered the floor
Until I got them to buzz every time
Left divot after divot of my own
            Along with miniature bas relief Lincolns
                        Or similar half-finished impressions
                        Of his DC memorial with “ONE C”
In a curve below the steps

As boys and projectiles often do
It wasn’t long before we took aim at each other
Oh, the battles that we waged!
            The whoosh of the near miss
                        The hum of darting currency
As each of us dove for ammunition
            Or ducked to avoid welts

The best shot I ever made was at Trevor’s expense
It was a typical day at lunch
            A small skirmish had broken out
                        Minor casualties and minimal aggression
But something escalated quite accidently
Perhaps I accidently skimmed one of his head
Or it was just a Tuesday
However it happened, I found myself prostrate
            Diving and scrounging for a penny
                        As Trevor stood fully poised
                                    To rain down certain death upon me
At that moment my fingers found purchase
            I grasped a single coin in my firing hand
Snapped my fingers
            And watched in sudden slow-mo
                        As the coin made a beeline
                                    To its armed cousin in Trevor’s fingers
It was a moment frozen by impossibility
            I had shot the penny out of Trevor’s hand!
Like some kind of climatic scene
            In every Western shoot-out ever

These days he claims ignorance
            Says I’m just making up stories
But we both know the truth
            As I fake a lunge at him
He still flinches, and gives me a dirty look
            Subconsciously reaches for his pocket
Contemplates a retaliatory shot
            I put on my Cheshire grin
The same one I wore
As I watched that penny fly out of his hand


  1. Obviously, this is the best poem EVER.

    1. Glad to hear you appreciate it. I think your involvement may not be finished. There were enough other crazy things that happened in our short time together, that I'm sure you will star again.
