Friday, May 17, 2013

POEM - Meet me at the Waffle House, Girl

Driving out at lunch
Heading to the Used Bread Store
I saw a woman walking
She seemed happy to be walking
In the middle of a big city
Dragging a large gray suitcase
It seemed odd to me
There was no bus stop
She was otherwise alone
But she was heading somewhere
Getting away from a certain place
The place where the suitcase hides
Today the suitcase was free
Once again filled with supplies
For adventure and wandering

Then I saw evidence of further migration
There was another woman walking
Almost identical to the first
Except her friendly suitcase was maroon
I caught sight of her just in time
Inches from heading into the Waffle House

I admit I was more than a little jealous
Of the two women
With large suitcases
Jealous on several counts
Firstly, they were going to eat
At one of my favorite diners
I could almost taste the pecan waffles
Cheese eggs covered in Tabasco
Raisin toast slathered in apple butter
And then they were leaving

But they weren't heading home
They were leaving to a different place
And it must have been worth it
You don’t just drag two huge suitcases
Big enough to take up a whole booth
Into Waffle House for lunch
Unless you are going someplace special

Some Fridays are like that
Wings begin to itch and ruffle
So you call your friend
Pack your suitcase
Eat some waffles
Fly away, fly away, fly away

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