Sunday, May 19, 2013

POEM - I Didn’t Win the Lottery

The rage last night was the jackpot
Six-hundred-million is a lotta bones
Fantasized about winning
All the cool adventures we’d have
I’d take time off from work
Buy a secluded artist commune
Never tell the relatives
Grow a beard
Wear flip-flops and cutoffs
Buy a Bahama Bucks franchise
Set up shop in Foley Beach
Sell shaved ice and happiness
What a life that would be
But I didn’t win

Then the next day something happened
Veronica was carrying a wood box around
It looked like a treasure box
She was supposed to be busy
Getting ready for church
Doing her makeup
Drying her hair
Instead she was filling her box
With mysterious content

Distracted by another task
She sat the box down
I looked in it
To see if my suspicions were correct
Of course they were
It was full of ponies
Little brightly colored plastic ones
That she has been collecting
I looked at a few
Shook my head a little

Then a thought came to me
I do try occasionally
To relate to these honyocks
I said, “You know, you should design a game
One that you could use these on.’
Innocent enough
But the reaction was exponential
She lit up with so much nerd-licious joy
I thought for a second she would burst
Then she laughed, a lot
Because she knew it was silly
But she knew it was fun
And that I was trying
I laughed too
It’s good when you break through
Say the thing they relate to
Make a connection that matters
Hit the jackpot that counts

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