Friday, May 24, 2013

POEM - It Wasn’t Elvis

I didn’t choose to raise teenage girls
I’m not particularly suited for it
Growing up I had one sister
            And we never got along
So, my frame of reference is biased
My tolerance level low
Squeals of over-excitement
            Rapid half said words
                        Drama llamas
All of it makes me a curmudgeon

What’s worse is my own daughter is transforming
Becoming one of these weird creatures
I have to stop her often
Make her repeat nearly every sentence
            At half the speed
                        Enunciating each word
It is enough to make me scream
Sometimes I even do
Though I try not to scream at her
Cuz it makes her leak

Then on the way to Claire’s concert
End of year sixth grade orchestra
Already on edge
            About the pending ordeal
Expecting to be assaulted
            By out of tune violins
                        Played like twangy fiddles
Josie erupts from the back seat
“OH MY GOSH!! (high pitch squeal)
            I THINK THAT WAS GABBIE!!! J !!! J !!!”

My sarcasm was instant
“No way!!!” (over emphasis and eye roll added)
            You saw Gabbie driving
            Down the road
In the town we both live in
            In the same general direction
            Of the neighborhood we both live in
            A couple of 100 yards apart?!?!?!”

“Appropriate reactions Josie.
                        It wasn’t like it was Elvis!”

I felt good though
I think I finally figured it out
Said something that made sense
            And provided quantifiable parameters
Realized that, like so many things
It is just a matter of how it rates
Compared to a sighting of Elvis

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