Wednesday, May 22, 2013

POEM - C-c-c-copy Face, C-c-copy Face (Mum mum mum mah C-c-c-copy Face)

It is something I have always loved
Better than a Polaroid
The sharp black and white snapshot
With edges dark as deepest space
Sinking into an impenetrable abyss

Occasional need would find me idle
A tag along with my father
As he stopped by work
Just for a few moments on a Saturday
He introduced me to the process
Probably so he could get a few things done
After I had exhausted my interest
In the IBM Selectric
            With it’s fascinating chrome orb
                        Covered in a plethora of symbols
I had spent a good while
Trying to get every character
To hit at least once
But now I was bored again
            Asking what was next
                        Or better yet, could we get ice cream

The answer came by way of distraction
“Here son, let’s look at this
            It is called a copy machine.”
One push of the button and the gears churned
A flash of heated light
            And then the paper emerged
                        Both our hands etched perfectly
Surrounded by a warm carbon sea

Naturally my face went on the glass
As soon as no one was looking
I made the mistake only once
            Of keeping my eyes open
Once I recovered from brief blindness
I made sure they were shut
Turned out page after page
Of grotesque caricatures
Goofy squished faces
Captured for later
Evidence of a productive outing
When my mother would ask later
Just what had we done all day

I still take the opportunity when I can
“Accidentally” slip my hand into a copy
Smash my face on the glass
Contort my features
Lift the original in different ways
Twist the paper as the light goes by
Experiment with the world that is seen
By an electronic eye
Millimeters at a time

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