Saturday, May 25, 2013

POEM - Towel Day!

A day to celebrate
Had come at last
We prepared
As best we could
We had our towels
All seven of us

It is really the most important item
One should never be without
We learned from the Guide
It taught us why
It makes people think the best
That you can travel and trek
Through all sorts of trials
Face danger and death
Unknowns and adventures
While managing the simple task
So impossibly insignificant
Of keeping track of your towel

So that’s where we started
Towels for everyone
Seven in different colors
Stacked neatly on the breakfast table
What could be more exciting
More indicative of pending fun
Than a pile of new towels
Waiting for their new owners

It worked out well
Each activity had an extra companion
A soft fabric friend
There to rest your head
Or to wipe a tear
Keep you warm
Or fan you off
Swat a fly
Or cuddle a baby
Is there anything they can’t do?

We did everything we could think of
Chores and cooking
Errands and outings
We played Towel Tag
And had both laughter and crying
This companion can  both cut and heal
It is the magic of the towel
The wonder of the mundane

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