Saturday, May 04, 2013

POEM - The Bag Holder

Sitting in the waiting room
Like I have before
With the same people
Linda and I with Veronica in between
Veronica has a headache again
It seems like they aren’t listening again
So she huddles in the fetal position
Like she did a decade ago

This time the prognosis is better
It only took two trips
            Both to the Emergency Room
On the second one we tattled
On the young condescending doctor
Who told us were traumatized

Umm, obviously you don’t know us
Just two months ado
We put off taking in Veronica
For a good four weeks
When she got mononucleosis
            At levels 600 times higher
                        Than are normally seen

This time it was a bad infection
So the trip was justified
But not traumatic
Which we were grateful for

Not like ten years ago
When a tumor was un-thought of
After the surgery was different too
Things had to synch back up
Connections had to restart
Like the Police she sought Synchronicity
Like Green Day she was starting with Brain Stew

The funniest thing were the tests
We had one where she had to be sleep deprived
So we went to a midnight show
Saw that movie “Hidalgo”
We were the only ones there
Until the concession stand guys rolled in
They had a massive bag of popcorn
Left over, temporarily retained
They stayed until they were bored
Then gave us the whole bag

All of this I’m thinking about
Dozing in the examination room
Trying to be supportive
Actually very tired
Never getting to sit in the comfy bed
Always left holding the bag

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