Wednesday, May 01, 2013

POEM - Hot Rod Pinto

OK, here’s what happened, I swear
Melvin can tell you
He was there
Though he might need a minute
He’s a little freaked out

See, we were just driving around
Getting boxes for moving
Over in the industrial park
            Yeah, the big one off Broadway
We were in the Pinto
            You know the one
                        The turd brown station wagon
I had just got it back running
Put a new stereo in it too!

Anyway, not the point, but the music was good
I think we had “Houses of the Holy” going
            Though it could have been Fishbone
                        Or that Agent Orange he liked
                                    I can’t remember right now
                        But it was great!
            And loud
Right. The point is we were in the industrial park

Here’s how it went down:
Sometimes you see opportunities
They are so clear you just act
No thinking, just doing
Hoping it all turns out right
            Knowing that it will be great
                        No matter the end result

So they had this truck bay
And the concrete sloped just right
And the road fell off just so
And I was at the right angle
So I gunned it
            Yelled to Mel, “Buckle Up!”

See, that’s what got him
            He tried, you know he did
But, well, when he yanked the belt
            It detached completely
                        His hand just kept going
                                    And his eyes grew to twice their size
Because, you see, it was too late
We were already there
Nearly airborne as I said it

We flew for a few moments
            A few exhilarating, magical moments
Until gravity took over just enough
            And we landed, perfectly
Melvin was still in tact
My dashboard, however, was not
As soon as we landed, a crashing sound
Then the entire instrument panel disappeared
As a shower of white dust covered my legs
From the aging plastic support structure
That shattered like safety glass

So that’s why my speedometer is looking lazy
            The reason why I have to pull this string
                        To lift this gauge
And see how much gas I have
Why Melvin is having second thoughts
            About riding in the passenger seat

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