Friday, May 10, 2013

POEM - The Legend of the $50 Bus

Rolled in to Cali blurry eyed
My aunt was getting married
Everyone was going to be there
An bonus family reunion

I liked these trips
California is a land where stuff happens
All kinds of cool stuff
Things that a teenager likes
Interesting sights and sounds and places
Maybe we’d get picked to go to a Dodger game
Or surprised by a trip over to Disneyland
Could be a drive through LA
Stopping by Olvera street
            For those amazing taquitos
                        And their volcanic green sauce

When I arrived I found Matt living there
He’d ditched his parents in Utah
Had to get out for a change of scenery
            And a change of everything else

He brought with him a new element
Something different and exciting
Because Matt had a car
            His very own car at the grandparent’s house
                        A well-used white VW bus
He said he had bought it for $50
            Someone his parents knew cut him a deal
This meant we were mobile
            Like we had never been mobile before

The bus was suspect at best
It died at every stop light
It also had the two front seats only
I looked back and noticed all the room
            “You could fit a lot of stuff in there.” I said
“Yup!” Matt said, “Like surfboards!”
Suddenly it was the best car ever

Giddily we raced off to a party
            Followed by free range wandering
I was impressed when we didn’t roll over
            When Matt pulled a donut in gravel
                        Going downhill at 40 miles per hour
We spun to a stop and took a deep breath
            And the bus promptly died

All we could do was laugh and shrug
            Start it up again and head home
You have to forgive the quirks
That come with a $50 car
Especially one that holds surfboards

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