Thursday, May 02, 2013

POEM - Lee, Lou & Lon

My wife said it was time
I needed to write a poem
One about my brothers
That’s a hard thing to do
You can get in a lot of trouble
Siblings are those people you love
Despite what you know about them
            And you know enough to destroy them
So it is treacherous ground

I could start with Lon
The precocious youngest brother
Always seemed to get weird injuries
Had polyps as a young kid
A severed tendon in his finger
            When someone closed a lid on it
Bumps and bruises galore
One time my mom  was talking to him
Asked him why he got hurt so much
His response was brilliant
He said in his matter of fact way
"When you have brains and bones, things happen"

Then there is Quinn
            A different breed from his other brothers
Quinn was the sporty one
            The one who actually participated in school
Played in the band
            Tried to get good grades
The perfect middle child
A position he usurped from Lee
Got nick-named Lou by the Tucson gang
So he would match the other two boys
Quinn noticed what was going on
            Wanted something better
Just a hair less distracted
            Than the rest of his A.D.D. family

What about that kid Lee?
            He seems so nice a normal now
But we used to have to leash him up
Could climb anything to get a cookie
The only one to get the cops called on him
The first time he ran off to a friend’s house
Was gone for hours
Inspired a full blown search party
Then next time was by association
His friend had light fingers
            And he was detained, but not charged
It probably didn’t help he had just shaved his head
All bald, except for a ponytail
Growing right out of the top of his forehead

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