Wednesday, May 29, 2013

POEM - Vinyl Victorious

It is better than it should be
Despite the noise
The background
The clutter that accumulates
That just shows it was shared
That others got to hear it

It is the peaceful way to enjoy
That gives the sound more space
The waves a broader spectrum
Instead of cramming them
Folding them
Squeezing each tune
Until it can fit
In the smallest corner
Of the latest digital prison

I always remember the aliens
On “3rd Rock From the Sun”
Trying to listen to a CD
It gave them angry faces
They tossed it out of the car
Accompanied by the line
“When will this planet ever discover
            The superior sound of vinyl?!”

We had it already
Almost let it go
With the other good stuff
Everything that is tactile and real
It is disappearing
When we don’t watch
When we believe the lie
That faster and smaller makes better
We lose touch and can’t feel

But at least in this case it has stayed
My beautiful rich records remain
I can say the word album
Without as many stares
Talk about a record player
And confusion has lessened
The revival came
The simpler ways remain
And the warmth of the music
Blankets my ears

In soothing sounds

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