Saturday, June 01, 2013

POEM - Possum Magic

There are several ways to explain
Many stories that are tied
To a simple word

Picture a car full of kids
For clarity, five children
Two adults and luggage
In a Pinto station wagon
Driving down the coast
From Portland to SoCal

Well into day two
Of a journey best left to airplanes
In the middle of a summer swelter
Nothing to cool but the old 6/60 method
Or if luck had chanced by
A cool cup of water with ice
Or the shade of a sibling
None of these permanent or cooling
Just a state of less hot

Tempers rise in such conditions
Eruptions fester and burst
With slightest provocation
A bead of sweat
An awkward glance
And the screaming doth commence

It is at such times magic is invoked
As the mystical incantation is spoke
1-2-3 . . . POSSUM!

With abrupt wonder
All the raging cacophony stops
The screams and fists rest
The spines of all snap straight
Lips button shut
And eyes and ears lock into surveillance mode
As one and all join in the game
A game that should not work
But somehow it does
Somehow everyone plays along
At least for a moment
At least long enough to calm down

And let the possum work its magic

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