Thursday, May 23, 2013

POEM - Splinters

The discomfort it causes
That miniscule bit
That some indignant board
Or insolent thorn
Left inside your skin
A sub dermal torture spike
It can’t be real
So small, so innocent
My eyes water
As I scratch and prod
Gouge and squeeze
To dig the offense out

It astounds me
And it is nothing
A little black exclamation mark
Without its supporting dot
So fragile and frail
I could never reinsert it
But it arrived
And it pained
Regardless of size

I remember a time
I rode through the desert
Slid to a stop
Looked up and felt a bump
I had knocked my head
Against the tip of a joshua tree
Just a little poke
Scratched my head
Rode off care free
Then a few days passed
Noticed the bump wouldn’t shrink
I felt and prodded
Squeezed and pushed
Until suddenly it gave
Popped out a little cone
The very tip of the sharp branch
I had so carelessly bumped

Splinters are funny like that
I think there is a lesson there
Something about pain and relief
The burden of the intruder
And the sweet relief
That only comes
After our pain departs

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