Friday, May 03, 2013

POEM - Reasons to be Fat

Global warming favors the zaftig
The pleasantly plump don’t fear as snow caps melt
Trust me, I know of what I speak
I have spent years in pursuit of gluttony
Frittered away the hours with fritters
In slothful doughnut-ty bliss

I’d say it was my passion
But that sounds a lot like work
A mere pastime is all this is
A way to fill the void
            Between doing nothing and sleep

I even felt guilt at times
Watching the fit folk fleet of foot fly by
As I languidly lingered
Lazily afloat in my pool
Sublime repose; a living raft
I laughingly called it swimming
But really I’d just bob and toss
            Swayed by each ripple of the wind

Then the unthinkable happened
I decided to get in shape
Walk instead of shuffle
Ride my bike instead of the recliner
I became trim,
                                    sexy . . .
Muscular and vibrant:
A fine specimen
The picture of health
An inspiration

I triumphantly returned to the pool
Giddy joy coursing through cholesterol free veins
Eager to glide effortlessly through the azure world
A new aquatic creature of awe and prowess

Glide I did
And then I sank
Like the chiseled stone
I had come to resemble
Then I sank further
Confused and depressed
Until it hit me:

Fat Floats

And as I walked across the bottom
I thought of life preservers
And round fluffy rings

Surely jelly donuts are better training
For when the world heats up

As the oceans take over
            The fatties will float to the top!

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