Monday, May 06, 2013

POEM - This Ancestral Tangle

There are stories told
At family reunions
            Or on long vacation drives
About being related here and there
To this person or the other
I always wonder what is true

Am I really related to the Mayflower folks?
Are we really English and Russian and Swiss?
Or is it Swedish and Scottish and French?

What hat should I wear,
As I head out each day?
Turns out more than I thought

I know my pioneer heritage
Going way back on both sides
We have been Westerners now
For many generations
But drop back a few generations
            Things get a lot more wild

Before the west some went south
South Carolina to be precise
I have returned there for unknown reasons
Feeling a sense of home
Sure it was all just in my head
            Only to find out more correctly
It is in my blood

Those folks came from Scotland
Stopping briefly in Virginia
Before that England where I lose the trail
Of a name changed
Four different times since 1146
Steddanham, Le Stedeman, Stedman, Steedman
Until it settled on Steadman for now

But they stopped in Virginia long enough
To make an historical connection
As a wily trader married a Powhatan princess
A fascinating union
            From amidst of the earliest settlers

And they seem at first like only names
            Showing where they were born
                        Who they married
                                    Where they died
But it is enough to turn my heart
Make me look back
            To my fathers and mothers
Feeling there are stories yet untold
Desiring to help those stories be heard

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