Thursday, May 30, 2013

POEM - Drawers of Depression

It is that feeling you get
When you approach your dresser drawer
And you find it devoid of solace
All that is left is disappointment
The wash was procrastinated
And you  are stranded
You are relegated to wearing THOSE underwear
The ones that twist
Ride up and bunch
Have a hole in the wrong spot
Pinch your bits
Fail to support
The dreaded backup pair

You should have tossed them
Long, long ago
Before this tragic day
Before they could torment you again
Going commando would feel better
But you live in a society
What would people say?
What if you got in an accident
Or your pants spontaneously combust
These are arguments to consider

So you succumb to social constructs
Put on your best face
Attempt to hide the active mutiny below
Sneak an adjustment here and there
Stroll to the throne room
A couple extra times
So you can sit for a few moments
Released from the iron maiden
Residing in your trousers

Though brief the respite
It gives you strength
In the face of crushing torment
Gird up your loins little camper
Tonight the wash will be done
Then once again you can drop yourself

Into the drawers that feel right

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