Saturday, May 18, 2013

POEM - Dance Island

Darkened country road
Littered with double-wide islands
Prefab havens of solitude and la familia
The field workers at rest
Hard, heavy and honest
The latest Telanovella re-run singing
Through the scent soaked air
Saturated with lard smoke and cilantro
And the deep heat of peppers

This short dirt road is tied up
In blood connections
Of varying strengths
All strong enough
To carry one cousin after another
From impoverished drug lord border towns
To a new Southern home
Where all the landscapers are rednecks
All the highwaymen are blacks
But even here neither one of them will work the fields

It’s a good life
A thousand miles from La Migra
And their ways of fear

There is peace here on a desolate road
Where a makeshift dance hall takes up residence
In the cleared out space
Where the tractor stayed       
In the wet season
But in spring there is music and flirting
A shining beacon where joy abounds
Oblivious to the passing few
That peer in to the light
As a dozen teenagers
Learn the history of dance
From the aging pied piper

He calls to them for the sake of the dance
And for the preservation of La Raza
And for matters of love
And things that can only be told
When the hand of the boy
Rests in the small of the back
Of the girls whose hand he has taken in this journey

A waltz on Friday and the jitterbug Wednesday and Thursday
And mama just one more dance 

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