Tuesday, May 07, 2013

POEM - “Almost Heaven, West Virginia . . .”

Spiraling out of the sky
The plane slides into Clarksburg
The flight from Pittsburgh exhilarating
In a two-row prop plane
Flying just high enough
That you had to squint
            To see the startled faces of the cows below

Linda’s uncle was waiting for us
A gruff old ex-military assembly line lifer
A total softy she assures me
I am spared a view of his famous tattoos
The ones over each breast
            The ones that read “Sweet” and “Sweeter”

We are here to claim the leftovers
The mementos of Grandma’s house
That my Father-in-law failed to retrieve
When he ended up DOA
Exiting from the same room he had entered
            Nearly sixty years before

We arrived at the two story haunted house
Still reeling from the tragedy
The one that awoke us one May morning
Letting us know Randy had died in his sleep

Everything was still sitting around
His new white Suburban
All the boxes they’d packed
The house and the land
And every last ancestor as well
The place was stuffed to the rafters
With the dearly departed
Who refused to depart

Who can blame them
The cemetery was just down the hill
They could see the house from where they lay
Why hang around in the dirt and worms
When everyone was spittin’ and cussin’
            Carrying on and having a good time
                        Back up at the house

We tried to stay the whole night
Up on the second floor
Right next to where her father had died
Surrounded by the generations
Of mischievous backwoods coal miners

It was not a restful night
Those jerks kept screwing with us
            Probably thought it was hilarious
It was really just annoying
            All we wanted was sleep
What we got was a 3am departure
            Down a road dense with fog

On the stereo John Denver played
            It was one of Randy’s favorites
As John sang of these country roads
            And the mountains so old and knowing
We could feel the old home disappear behind
            Along with every passing mile
Letting us shake off the melancholy
            As we drenched ourselves in tears
Driving on until the sun rose over Ohio
            Leaving West Virginia just a foggy memory

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